De Palma & Associates Give Back This Holiday Season

November 16, 2020
A pile of christmas presents wrapped in red and white paper

As the holiday season quickly approaches, we are reminded of what a costly time of year this can be. Many Canadians are struggling to live paycheque to paycheque and simply can’t make ends meet, let alone provide gifts and holiday surprises. The added struggles and economic strain of COVID-19 will undoubtedly make this holiday season even more challenging for many families in our region.

This holiday season, De Palma & Associates wants to do something special to help out our local community. Every year our firm takes on a charitable initiative around the holidays. Previous endeavours have included food drives, monetary donations to charities,and the sponsoring of teddy bears at a local hospital. At De Palma & Associates, we believe that it is important to give back to our community in any way that we can. This year we have decided to focus our charitable initiative on a charity toy drive. We hope that in doing so that we will be able to take some of the stress off the parents and help give some kids a reason to smile this Christmas morning.

This year, for every one of our new clients that retain our services from November 1 through November 30, we will purchase and donate a toy or gift card to our local toy drives. We will aim to purchase items for a wide range of ages, from infants right up to teenagers so that everyone is thought of and no one feels forgotten this holiday season.

We also encourage everyone that is able to make a donation to a local charity this holiday season to please do so. This pandemic has affected so many families across our country and the world, so even the smallest donation can help to give a family in need a brighter holiday!

With offices located in Barrie and Wasaga Beach, De Palma & Associates provides legal representation for Small Claims Court cases, landlord and tenant disputes, traffic tickets, United States entry waivers, criminal pardons (record suspensions), notary services, mediation and document commissioning throughout the Georgian Bay area and the GTA. If you have any questions or require mediation or legal representation, give us a call at De Palma & Associates at 705-429-2401.

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